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Barry Salzman


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Barry Salzman, a senior partner at Barasch McGarry Salzman & Penson, is an accomplished personal injury litigator who has earned his highly-respected reputation through his strong work ethic, attention to detail, negotiation skills and passionate dedication to his clients. He has over 25 years of experience representing accident victims in such varied practice areas as fire and police-related accidents, construction site accidents, premises liability, municipal liability and motor vehicle litigation.

His passion for helping others dates back to his college years when he worked for the late United States Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a deeply committed humanitarian. Working for Senator Moynihan afforded him the opportunity to help New Yorkers on a wide range of issues and led him to a career as an injury attorney.

Mr. Salzman is involved in every aspect of a client’s case from intake through trial. He frequently handles the firm’s most complex and significant-injury matters and has obtained numerous multi-million dollar settlements. Some of his recoveries include:

  • $7 million in Suffolk County for an 18 year-old bicyclist who suffered abdominal, pelvic and urological injuries after being hit by a truck on a remote road at night.
  • Over $6 million for a sidewalk pedestrian struck by a motor vehicle who suffered crush injuries to his legs, resulting in an above-the-knee amputation of one leg.
  • Over $5 million from the City of New York for firefighters who were burned in the line of duty because they were given inadequate protective clothing and equipment.
  • $5 million on behalf of two laborers who were badly burned in a natural gas explosion while they worked to repair a water main break.
  • $4 million for a firefighter who sustained facial burns in a fire caused by inadequate ventilation during floor-refinishing work.
  • $2.25 million in Rockland County for a 52 year-old laborer who suffered back injuries when he was knocked off a scaffold that was struck by a forklift.
  • $2.25 million from the City of New York on behalf of an FDNY Lieutenant who injured his back after stepping onto the pavement of a poorly maintained schoolyard while exiting his rig.
  • $2.2 million for several firefighters injured at a fire that was started by demolition workers using torches.

Mr. Salzman’s achievements also include numerous reported appellate decisions, one of which was covered on the front page of the New York Law Journal. He has consistently been recognized by his peers in being named in Super Lawyer’s magazine as one of the top personal injury attorneys in New York.

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