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New York City Legal Guidance for Out-of-State 9/11 Responders

Pursuing WTC exposure cases no matter where you live

The tragedy of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 drew countless volunteers from across the country to New York to help their fellow Americans. Many stayed for days or weeks. Unfortunately, while they were here, these volunteers were exposed to very high levels of toxins in the debris and dust surrounding the World Trade Center site. Many now suffer from debilitating and deadly disorders.

The attorneys at Barasch McGarry Salzman & Penson can help you obtain medical care and compensation under the Zadroga Act, regardless of where you live. If you lived in New York at the time of 9/11 and later moved, or you came from out of state to help, we advocate for the benefits you deserve.

Those we help

Any person who worked as a rescue, recovery or cleanup worker or performed maintenance work in the New York City disaster area during specific timeframes may qualify for benefits.

Residency is not a requirement. However, documentation of your presence at the disaster site is required. This seemingly simple verification can be more difficult than many expect, especially more than a decade later. That is where we can help.

Our law firm helps responders apply for and document a Zadroga claim. From our downtown office, we saw firsthand the heroic efforts of so many people who came to aid our city. We want to do everything in our power on their behalf. Our out-of-state clients include:

  • Construction workers
  • Contractors
  • Responders who lived or worked in NYC on Sept. 11, 2001

What is covered by the Zadroga Act

The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, passed as H.R. 847, provides medical and financial benefits to responders, volunteers, downtown workers and residents who performed rescue, recovery, demolition, debris cleanup or related support services, or who lived or worked in the disaster zone.

The act covers a host of post-9/11 illnesses. Initially, coverage focused on respiratory disorders and diseases. In 2012, after several studies suggested links between the toxin exposures at the site and an increased risk of many cancers, the act was revised to include cancers caused by 9/11.

Responders can depend on our lawyers for valuable guidance

If you or someone you love was a WTC responder from outside New York, or lived in New York but has since relocated out of state, learn how an experienced attorney at our firm can help you determine if you have a claim. Because we charge nothing for the initial consultation, you have nothing to risk. Please contact Barasch McGarry Salzman & Penson online or by phone at 888.351.9421. Our assistance can make the complex claims process simple and straightforward.

If you do not live near New York City or are unable to travel, we arrange your first, free consultation by telephone.

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